Monday, April 29, 2019

The Cost of Indifference

I was walking home from my office one day when I saw a small child begging in front of a shopping mall. He seemed tired and hungry, rushing from one person to another begging for alms. At one point, his hand accidentally brushed against the leg of a man, walking into the mall. The child, thinking nothing of it, rushed to ask money from another person, when the man caught him by the scruff and started beating him mercilessly. The guard of the mall too joined the man in hitting helpless boy. I stopped in my tracks and asked both of them to stop beating the poor boy. The man seemed even more furious at my intervention and started saying that I had no right to stop him. I asked him calmly whether he could dare to repeat his action if this were the child of a well-to-do family. Listening to our arguments, passer-by, who till then either taking enjoyment in the little child’s misery or walking by hurriedly, asked me to ignore the incident and continue on my way, saying that the man made a mistake and won’t repeat. I was shocked at the apathy presented by this people. They were ready to be entertained by something as hideous as beating up a child but they neither were nor ready to confront the man who committed a crime, so to speak, because they were too scared. If ignorance and indifference is our reaction to every evil as a society then I am sorry to say that we will have nothing humane left in us.

The One-Armed Man

The other day I was going to Agrabad to my aunt’ by bus. It was noon, and the bus was crowded. Traveling by bus in ....during the summer is never comfortable. I was trying to divert my attention by looking out of the window. At one point of the journey, a one-armed man mounted the bus, and was asking for alms. The man was in his thirties, and he was carrying a small child with him. As usual people did not want to help him, and some were even criticizing him for not working for a living. With tears in his eyes, the man answered poignantly,"Everybody blames me for not working, though I am quite young. But nobody offers me a job. Who would offer a one-armed man any work? I lost my harm in an accident while working in a factory, and now I am completely useless. Even by selling my blood, I cannot feed my child for two days. What else do you expect me to do?”  The man’s story really touched me along with the other passengers. This incident makes me wonder about the situation of our country. With the price of necessities rising every day, what will the poor do? Even the price of their blood is not enough to feed their family members.

Prince Charming in the Manhole
One morning I was in a rush to go to school so I was really walking fast. But before I get into my story I would like to mention one mention one thing, which is the day before it was pouring like anything and there was a puddle right in front of my school. So, as I rushed forward to reach my school I accidentally slipped on a banana peel and fell into the puddle of water. Right at that moment, I saw my biggest crush walking towards the gate and I instantly got up to make sure no one saw me. However, he did see me and to my amazement he came to my rescue like a knight in shining armour. Ashe was walking forward; he did not notice and instead of helping me, fell into a manhole! I did not know what to do, whether to help him or not, instead I burst out giggling and laughing.
The Mystery with the Pen

There was a six feet tall figure in our school known as “still body”. He was a faculty personal and he used to check our uniform every morning. One day he asked me about my ID card, because i did not have it that day. I had to make up some excuse and get away with it. But instead he stopped me and said, “Fhen”. I could not understand him and did not even bother to, as getting away from him was more important. As he saw no response from me, he again said, “Fhen”. This time I had no choice but say “OK” only to make him feel that he was clear to me. I was just about to move away, when for the third time he said,   “Fhen”. Then he waved a page at me and finally I understood what he meant! He was actually looking for a pen from me so that he could write my name and keep it as a record because I did not bring my ID card!
Sun for Sauna
Summer here is quite extreme. The days during this season are not like one of those days where one would want to enjoy the sun because, even if they try to, the post reaction to the hot sun would be nothing but skin burns. Like every other hot sunny day, my friends and I were hanging out at a small tea stall after school. We were talking about our regular subjects when all of a sudden , Paul , a friend of ours who is a bit on the heavier side , started complaining about how he has been trying to lose weight , but keeps failing all the time. He kept on complaining for days till we would pay any attention to his “Big” problem. However, that day, one of my other friends, who got sick and tired of his complaints, suggested him to wrap himself up in two big blankets and run around the roof around the hot sun in the afternoon. We all knew that he was being sarcastic, but poor Paul thought that the idea might not be that bad. The next day he came over, all puffed up and red with skin rashes with absolutely no change in his weight. We all knew what he had done and could not help but laugh!

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